Valentino Vranić   

prof. Ing. Valentino Vranić, PhD.

Faculty of Informatics
Pan-European University
Bratislava, Slovakia
Room: 311

E-mail: vranic at / val.vranic at

YouTube: @valentinovranic

[publications]   [advansd]   [architecture]   [aspects]   [oop]   [modeling]   [theses]   [feature modeling]  

I am a professor of computer science at the Faculty of Informatics of Pan-European University, Bratislava, Slovakia. My scientific focus is on the methodology of software development with a particular interest in interconnecting realizational (code) and organizational (people) perspective of software development, especially through patterns and in the context of agile and lean way of software development. I also deal with software product lines, advanced software modularization, software modeling and software architecture in general. I am the author or a coauthor of a number of approaches and methods, including the concept of a drama pattern and its use in software development, method of animation of organizational patterns, method of supporting peripheral perception in distributed teams, use case-driven modularization, and aspect-oriented change management. I published close to a hundred of scientific papers.

I am a member/director in the Hillside Board of Directors. In 2023 and 2024, I was a program cochair of the Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, People, and Practices (PLoP), the premier conference on patterns. I am a member of the editorial board of the Computing and Informatics journal, the steering committee of the European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), as well as the board of program committees of other international scientific conferences.

Five PhD students defended their theses under my supervision. I supervised 41 master's and 34 bachelor's theses that have been successfully defended. The list of the theses I've supervised or currently supervise is available here.

While working at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, I established and led the Advanced Software Development Research Group (AdvanSD), which featured a number of scientific seminars.

There, I established and taught these courses:

and completely revised several others:

I am the author of the textbooks Software Modeling: Use Cases, UML, and Beyond and Object-Oriented Programming: Objects, Java, and Aspects (in Slovak). I completed the Scrum Master course led by Jim Coplien and the Advanced Agile 1 course led by Alistair Cockburn, pioneers in the field of agile software development.

Valentino Vranić
valentino.vranic at