Aleksandra Vranić and Valentino Vranić. Drama Patterns: Seeing the Patterns from Within EuroPLoP 2019 Focus Group. (Accepted.)
Aleksandra Vranić
Súkromná základná umelecká škola, Ružová dolina č. 29, 82109 Bratislava
(Private elementary art school)
Valentino Vranić
Institute of Informatics, Information Systems and Software Engineering
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Maximum number of participants: 15 (no acting or pattern experience required)
Duration: 75 min.
Acting is fun and, thanks to patterns, quality acting is available to all!
Within this focus group, the participants will be guided to build a short drama play as a composition of drama patterns. We will start with dramatic situations based on individual drama patterns, such as Reversed Advantage, Amazing Similarity, Disbelieved Identity, Reflection, or Thoughts Reflecting Environment. Gradually, we will compose them into a greater whole. Afterwards, we will reflect on this experience and discuss the potential of drama patterns.
Through their generative nature, drama patterns literally pull out the best of actors' performance in a given situation. This requires no formal acting education and has been successfully applied with hundreds of children. In many cases, interesting dramatic performances have been created literally within minutes. The whole process of applying drama patterns is amusing, engaging, and inclusive. It encourages creativity and exploration. Once a pattern is established, each participant can try different roles, which adds even more to inclusiveness.
Actors are a part of patterns, and this enables them to see patterns from within. The actors feel the contradicting forces and how patterns put them into a balance. This is a reveling experience with a great potential for teaching patterns. In particular, this can help software practitioners establish a greater understanding of all kinds of software patterns, including organizational and design patterns.
For further information, see our paper:
Valentino Vranić and Aleksandra Vranić. Drama Patterns: Extracting and Reusing the Essence of Drama. 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2019. Kloster Irsee in Bavaria, Germany, 2019. (Accepted for the writer's workshop.)